I'm a coach and career consultant specializing in resume development and interview preparation. I work with professionals in all industries and positions helping them realize their unique skills and talents so they can live up to their full potential in their professional lives.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
How To Approach Your Boss For A Raise - And Be Successful!
Hello Readers!
I thought my absence might go unnoticed (Hmm, am I making a habit of disappearing?) these past couple of weeks but its seems my posts have been missed by some. It's rewarding to know that my career advice and random tips are helpful to those who might need it. I really do exist in human form and am not just some apparition (although it might appear that way at times). I enjoy writing posts about related career topics (when I'm not obsessing about my writing skills) and love when you, dear reader, become engaged.
Enough about me....I recently attended a women's conference and was asked by a young professional how she should approach her boss for a raise. She wasn't sure if she should send an email or give him a call. Before she could get another word out, I emphatically told her that asking for a raise should always be done in a face to face meeting (if possible).
Ask to schedule some time with your boss (treat it like a business meeting). Consider asking for a raise like selling yourself to a potential new employer. Back everything up with specific examples of your accomplishments so your value is evident and how deserving you are of a salary increase. It doesn't hurt to reiterate your unique skills and talent either. You won't win your boss's favor if you point out that other people in your department may be making significantly more money than you. You're there to discuss the merits of your performance, not anyone else's.
Approaching your boss for a raise may make you feel uncomfortable but you're more likely to walk away getting what you want if you KNOW YOU'RE WORTH and present yourself in a non-defensive tone.
It's very liberating and confidence building to get what you deserve. Now go after it!!
"If you don't set a baseline standard for what you'll accept in life, you'll find it's easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that's far below what you deserve."
~ Anthony Robbins
"Good Night, And Good Luck"
Laura Rivchun
PS - If you'd like to fine tune your salary negotiation skills, please email me at lrcareercoach@gmail.com to learn more about my coaching sessions that can help you get the raise you deserve and negotiate salary when a job offer has been made.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
What Is The Toughest Interview Question?
If you've been interviewing for a job, more than likely you've discovered it can be a hair raising experience. It feels like a giant test that you had better pass. In some ways, the interview is a test. So, you have to be prepared.
One of the toughest interview questions you have to be prepared to answer is, "What is your biggest weakness?" Everyone dreads this question. No one likes talking about something that makes them look vulnerable, particularly in a job interview! The best way to approach this question is to turn your "weakness" into a strength. Here are some examples:
~ I'm intense and find it hard to let go of my work at times
~ I'm tough on myself - I'm a perfectionist
~ I tend to overanalyze/overthink things
~ I take my work home with me
These so-called "weaknesses" are really in favor of an employer. No one ever got fired because they worked too hard at their job. See my point? Chose your words wisely to put a positive spin on your weaknesses.
In my next post, I'll go into some of the things NOT TO SAY in answer to the same question, "What is your biggest weakness?"
"All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind."
~ kahlil Gibran
"Good Night, And Good Luck"
Laura Rivchun
PS - If you'd like to enhance your interview skills, please contact me at lrcareercoach@gmail.com to learn about the program I'm offering, "How To Ace The Interview".
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