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Monday, June 25, 2012

Career Tip: Be On Time For a Job Interview

Have you ever thought how many expressions about time there are? "Time Is Of The Essence", "Time Is On My Side", "Time Will Tell", "Time Marches On”.  Are we too preoccupied with time?  It seems we organize our lives around how much or how little time we carve out for ourselves. Do you ask yourself if you have enough time to cram everything into one day?  Do you worry about spending your time wisely?  It seems like time keeps us in check and in sync with the rest of the world.  

If you’re like me and worry about time all the time (?), here’s a very “timely” TIP:

BE ON TIME FOR AN INTERVIEW.  When you’re late, you become frazzled, won’t be at your interview best and run the risk of ticking off an interviewer.  You’ll have one strike against you before you put your foot in the door.  It would be a shame to lose a job because of something that could easily be avoided.

Remember,  “Time Waits For No One” (was that a song?)

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."
~ Albert Einstein

“Good Night, And Good Luck”

Laura Rivchun

PS - If you're searching for a job and haven't gotten past the first interview, it might be time (there's that time thing again) to brush up on your interview skills.  I can help you get past first base with my "How To Ace The Interview" program.  Interested in learning more?  Email me at lrcareercoach@gmail.com.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Lost Your Job? - Get Out And Network

As a child, did you ever get lost?  When I was about 5 years old I got lost at Jones Beach and couldn’t find my way back to my parents.  It was terrifying.  I thought I would never find them in the sea of beach umbrellas and blankets, but I did. 

Losing a job can be devastating and make a person feel they’ve lost their way.  If you’re currently out of work does this feeling sound familiar to you?  I bet if you ask anyone who has lost their job they would agree they have felt the same way at one point.  I have been in this place myself (more times than I care to count) and learned that the best remedy is to get out amongst the living and network.  You don’t have to feel as alone and lost as I did as that little girl on the beach. 

"The future depends on what we do in the present."
~ Mahatma Gandhi

“Good Night, And Good Luck”

Laura Rivchun

PS - If you're out of work and currently interviewing, please contact me at lrcareercoach@gmail.com to learn about my "How To Ace The Interview" program which will jumpstart your interview techniques to help you land your ideal job.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Looking For A Job? - Be Kind To Yourself

Ah, Saturday.  The day to stay in bed as late as you'd like, leisurely sipping coffee.  Today you can actually enjoy eating breakfast like a human being at the dining room table instead of shoving a bagel down your throat while cramming into a commuter train train or driving on the Long Island Expressway.  Saturday is the day you can lay around in your sweats or PJ's like a lazy slug should you be so inclined.  Ok, so now you know I have "lazy slug tendencies."

Time away from work (or looking for work) is so  treasured by all of us.  But it seems many of us have to give ourselves permission to slow down and chill.  I wonder why we find it so hard to let go of work stress?  I'm as guilty as the next when it comes to stressing out about my work. When you think about it, it's such a waste of precious time.  Do you find yourself thinking about work too often when you're trying to enjoy some quality down time?  I suppose that's why yoga, health spas, and meditation have become so popular.  It's a great way to de-pressurize.  

For me, the beauty of Saturday is giving my "work brain" a rest.  I allow myself (or try) to slow down and put my work head on the shelf.

Whether you're currently employed or looking for a job, be kind to yourself.  All of us need to recharge our batteries because Monday rolls around soon enough.  It takes energy to be at your work best or interview best so do yourself a favor and give yourself permission to relax and just "be" so you can face the week refueled.

"For fast-acting relief, try slowing down."
~ Lily Tomlin

"Good Night, And Good Luck"

Laura Rivchun

PS - You can catch me as a featured guest on Coach World TV hosted by Terry Yoffe, NYC Chapter President of The International Coaching Federation (ICF) Monday, June 4th, 8pm on Time Warner Cable TV Channel 56.