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Sunday, October 28, 2012

What Will You Be Doing When Hurricane Sandy Hits?

Unless you live on another planet (and maybe that wouldn't be so bad), you can't help but be unnerved by the scary anticipation of Hurricane Sandy as she gets ready to impact the Northeast.  Hurricanes in the Northeast?  What's going on here?  Whatever happened to those beautiful autumn days?

If you live in New York City like me, you've more than likely experienced the frantic urgency to stock up on water, food, batteries, candles, etc.  Hopefully, you didn't have to wait on a line that stretched down the block just to get into the supermarket only to find out they were out of supplies!  I guess I've lived in NYC too long because I don't have the patience for lines, not even for food!  I decided to be content with the few snacks and morsels I managed to buy at the local bodega and head back home.

I started thinking how millions of us are going to be hold up at home with no way to get to work (and who would want to go out in the "perfect storm" anyway?).  Hurricane Sandy might provide an opportunity to catch up on some things you've been thinking of doing but haven't had the chance to get to.    Have you been trying to find the time to revamp your resume, edit your profile on Linkedin or send an email to that referral you just met?  Weathering Hurricane Sandy might give you the time to take care of some of these things.  Of course, if you lose power, or get flooded, I don't expect you'll be thinking much about anything except your safety and comfort.  Hopefully, this will not be your concern.

What will you be doing when Hurricane Sandy hits?  You just might feel productive.......

"Time and tide wait for no man."
~ Geoffrey Chaucer

"Good Night, And Good Luck"

Laura Rivchun

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