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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Looking For A Job? - Be Kind To Yourself

Ah, Saturday.  The day to stay in bed as late as you'd like, leisurely sipping coffee.  Today you can actually enjoy eating breakfast like a human being at the dining room table instead of shoving a bagel down your throat while cramming into a commuter train train or driving on the Long Island Expressway.  Saturday is the day you can lay around in your sweats or PJ's like a lazy slug should you be so inclined.  Ok, so now you know I have "lazy slug tendencies."

Time away from work (or looking for work) is so  treasured by all of us.  But it seems many of us have to give ourselves permission to slow down and chill.  I wonder why we find it so hard to let go of work stress?  I'm as guilty as the next when it comes to stressing out about my work. When you think about it, it's such a waste of precious time.  Do you find yourself thinking about work too often when you're trying to enjoy some quality down time?  I suppose that's why yoga, health spas, and meditation have become so popular.  It's a great way to de-pressurize.  

For me, the beauty of Saturday is giving my "work brain" a rest.  I allow myself (or try) to slow down and put my work head on the shelf.

Whether you're currently employed or looking for a job, be kind to yourself.  All of us need to recharge our batteries because Monday rolls around soon enough.  It takes energy to be at your work best or interview best so do yourself a favor and give yourself permission to relax and just "be" so you can face the week refueled.

"For fast-acting relief, try slowing down."
~ Lily Tomlin

"Good Night, And Good Luck"

Laura Rivchun

PS - You can catch me as a featured guest on Coach World TV hosted by Terry Yoffe, NYC Chapter President of The International Coaching Federation (ICF) Monday, June 4th, 8pm on Time Warner Cable TV Channel 56.


  1. I totally understand this. I'm so afraid of relaxing because I might like it soo much, I might never get back to work.... Well, today is Sunday, maybe I'll clean my house.. Okay, maybe not!

  2. Hi Kathy,

    I think the key here is to remember that WE'RE the ones in control and don't have to worry about being scolded by our parents if we don't do what we're told! So, I hope you enjoy your precious Sunday because your house will still be there come Monday. Besides, (and I must remind myself of this), if we've allowed ourselves some quality time off, we can approach our work with a clear head.


