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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finding Your Mentor

This weekend, I decided to pack my bags, get out of the Big Apple and head for Maine where my beloved sister and brother-in-law live.  I consider myself extremely lucky to actually enjoy spending time with my family.  I probably have more fun with my sisters (I have an older even bossier one who lives in Florida) than I do most people.  Making a trip to  beautiful coastal Maine is no hardship but it's certainly a plus that lots of attention, support and great eating awaits me on the other end.

My sister and I share the love of the beach, the picturesque Maine landscape, TJ Maxx and Marshall's.  Don't laugh.  There are plenty of ways to bond in sisterly love.  It just so happens my sister and I are jewelry freaks and can spend hours looking through cases of jewelry.  Well, she can.  Her ability to zone in and focus is nothing short of miraculous.  The problem is, she doesn't zone out.  She goes into a trance and forgets about life (i.e. her hungry husband, visiting family, son she hasn't seen in weeks).

My sister isn't just my jewelry partner in crime but my confidente, biggest cheerleader and mentor.  Without her unconditional support, business savvy, and general life knowledge, I probably wouldn't be writing this blog.  She has encouraged me to "plod on" when the professional odds were stacked against me and taught me  how to trust myself and be patient.  Everyone who has enjoyed professional success has had support and mentoring along the way.  No one can go it alone.

If you don't have a loving, wise sister as I do, then find that person in your life who is YOUR mentor.    You never know, that person could be right in front of you.    Finding your mentor surprisingly can come in all shapes and forms (they may even be your jewelry partner in crime).

"Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind."
~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge

"Good Night, And Good Luck"

Laura Rivchun

P.S. - If you'd like to learn more about finding your mentor, where to look and how to develop this special relationship, email me at lrcareercoach@gmail.com.  I'm the Director of the Mentoring Committee for the NYC Chapter of The National Association of Professional Women (NAPW) so "mentor" is my mantra.
PSS - I also give great jewelry advice!

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