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Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Unexpected

Today is Saturday, October, 29th.  As I look out the window, it's snowing like nobody's business.  Yes, SNOWING!  My boyfriend and I were barbecuing chicken (and sausage) last weekend and I was suntanning in Riverside Park (the Sun Goddess that I am).  Not to mention it's Halloween.  Did you plan on trick or treating?  Well, this year I think the "trick" is on all of us!

Life is filled with the unexpected like winning the lottery or running into a childhood classmate on Fifth Avenue who ends up being a boyfriend for ten years (true story!) or SNOW IN OCTOBER.  The unexpected comes in all forms, and when it does, we best greet it with open minds.

When it comes to career change or being out of work,  there are plenty of positive and unpredictable situations like getting invited back for a second interview when you thought you were a disaster or the referral that finally comes thru with a much needed introduction.  Doesn't it feel great to negotiate for a higher compensation package and actually get it?

I believe if we're open minded, life has a way of bringing us new opportunities and life changing possibilities.

Wishing you a Happy Halloween filled with fun and unexpected new treats!

"Good Night, And Good Luck"

Laura Rivchun

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